Thursday, April 16, 2015

Year One!

So it has been ONE YEAR to the day since we landed, oriented, and settled in to Korea. 365 days ago, we were in our first Korean cab headed to our orientation site, ready and nervous and eager. A week after that, we were introduced to Jangheung. Oh, sweet Jangheung.

Since then, so much has happened, so many people we have met, so much English we have taught, and an abundance of oddities have become our norm. It certainly has been an interesting and wild ride! But a ride that we have chatted and talked about often, coming to the conclusion that it is a sweet place where we are just meant to be.

We have seen some lovely vistas, tried interesting food, and traveled all around SK! Teaching has presented a whole other story of funness that we will just have to reflect on at a later point! ;D But to be short, the kids here can be oh so cute and then seconds later, they can be little monsters. 'Tis teaching! #adaptability

From and To

From Jangheung to Yeosu; from weekly dinners with Jang Gang friends last year to upcoming experiences in a new city this year; from traveling around SK to now setting our sights on traveling around Southeast Asia, it has certainly been a year for our short, still-freshly-pressed record books!

Only in our second year of marriage, we have grown together during this crazy stage, we have had to rely on communication more and more, have learned a lot about the love growing between us, and have adjusted, adjusted, adjusted. #adaptability

So pics to describe all the aforementioned amazingness...

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We went camping on a nice beach when it warm!



The Water Festival in Jangheung was not lacking in the water department.

River time was sweet...

Oh Kyoung was Kristen's co-teacher. 

Ed talked and worked at the JLP summer camp! He did a great job! <3

Arizona peeps were here for the camp and so we got to say hi!

Beautiful Suncheon Garden Expo...

Oh, the kiddos...

Hiking adventures ensued...

Summer vacation...

Then fall rolled around...

And chilly, chilly winter...

Ed's sweet co-teacher, Ji Sung.

Some of the lovely Jang Gang...

* * *

This past year, we have enjoyed Jangheung and our little community in this neck of the world. And also, our house. We have had many shindigs at our place and have enjoyed many trips to the local coffee shop, One and Six, as well as our neighboring town, Gangin, for weekly Jang Gang dinners. So to leave our first house together will be a bit sad; we have reveled in taking care of our little, moldy place for a year.

Just last week, we visited our new apartment; we are very excited about it and here is a sneak peak:

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We have been around SK and are now setting our sights on traveling this summer and fall. We are looking to Japan, the Philippines, China, and a few other places. But with moving next week, we may start to hear about many new places that other people have traveled to as well!

So onto a new adventure! Until next time!

E + K